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GENERAL GUIDE for Home Retreats

Traditionally, mindfulness meditation retreats have been held in person, in spaces close to nature, which offer the silence that favors contemplation.


But with existing technology, and after the pandemic, online retreats have become more common because they offer the convenience of being at home, with the structure that an in-person refuge provides.


A retreat is the opportunity to practice intensively to go deeper into the experience of mindfulness. It is an opportunity to cultivate concentration, focus, kindness, and compassion, by disconnecting from the usual tasks to get in deep contact with our body, mind, and heart. If you create the conditions for a complete immersion in the practice, an online retreat can be as powerful as an in-person one. In addition, the home retreat can be very interesting since it is in our homes where we usually experience our habits, patterns, and customs.


By choosing to let go of everyday distractions, tasks that occupy your time and attention, and digital habits that consume you, you will be able to create a space for healing and self-care. It may feel a little strange at first to let go of your routines, but as the retreat progresses, you will be able to find the rewards and satisfactions. It will be a time to find the inner strength that will allow you to live with a greater state of consciousness and connection.


We look forward to supporting you in your retreat at home. If you choose to participate, we ask that you commit to this format, in the same way as you would in an in-person retreat.


Preparing for the Retreat:

A meditation retreat is the opportunity to deepen your mindfulness practice in a sustained and powerful way. Since you will be doing this retreat from your home, rather than in person at a dedicated center, it is important that you know the benefits and challenges that come with virtual retreats.


The following general instructions will help you have the most successful retreat possible (thanks to Spirit Rock and Insight Meditation Center for their instructions, which we have adapted)

Creating your retreat space

  • Check your email folder to make sure you receive the emails we will send you from

  • If possible, arrange a dedicated space for your retreat where you have internet access. Some things that may be helpful include a meditation chair or cushion, a yoga mat, or a blanket for mindful movement practices. If you wish, you can create a sense of “sacred space” with flowers, pictures, candles, or objects that have special meaning for you. We suggest that you notify other people in your household that you will be occupying this space, and you may wish to hang a sign on the door for privacy.

  • Choose a location for your walking meditation practices. This can be a hallway, a large living room, a terrace, or outside in the garden. You may also walk around your block. Crossing streets or intersections with vehicle traffic is not recommended.

  • Time Zone and Schedule: This retreat will be held in Eastern Standard Time (EST-Miami) so it may not be ideal for those in other locations with a large time difference. We will record some sessions, such as the guided meditations and Dharma Talks. Small group meetings with facilitators will be live only, via Zoom.

  • Please print this document before the retreat to have on hand.


​Participant Guidelines for a Successful Online Retreat


Considerations for Mindful Movement Practices.

  • These practices are offered to be accessible to everyone and all body types. If you feel that something does not support your practice, or there is a risk of injury, you can modify or adjust the movement and rhythm to suit you.

Make sure you have enough space to lie comfortably on the floor with your legs extended and arms at your sides. If this is uncomfortable, you can stay in your chair or cushion, or even do the movements standing up. If you use a chair, make sure it doesn't have wheels or can be easily moved.

  • If you're on firm ground, use a yoga mat or blanket to make yourself more comfortable. Two mats, or a mat, can be helpful.

  • Make sure you have a space where you can stand and extend your arms up and around you without touching anything.

  • Stand in a place where you can hear the facilitator's instructions and demonstrations on screen (Use "speaker view" in Zoom)

  • If necessary, have a stable chair on hand to help with balance, or if you wish, do not make movements that will make you lose your balance.


  • Usaremos la video conferencia de Zoom para nuestro retiro. Por favor, familiarízate con la plataforma y su funcionamiento. Aquí tienes un video que pude orientarte. 

  • La facilitación del retiro se hará en un sistema de video-conferencia en línea. Como apoyo para ti y el resto del grupo, por favor cierra todos los programas, menos el que estés utilizando para el retiro, así como también desactiva las notificaciones. Puedes visitar la página de Zoom para detalles. 

  • Configura tu teléfono celular y tu email con el fin de no recibir llamadas o notificaciones durante el retiro. Puedes configurar una respuesta automática donde digas que no podrás responder sino hasta el final del retiro. 


  • De ser posible, haz tus compras antes del inicio del retiro.

  • Procura que tus platos sean sencillos. Considera cocinar algunos alimentos con antelación, por ejemplo, varias raciones de sopa para la cena.

  • Contempla hacer un plan de comidas y así no tendrás que decidir qué vas a preparar para cada ocasión.

Navegando a parejas, familiares, hijos o compañeros que no están en el retiro.

  • Ten una conversación acerca de tu tiempo en el retiro. Aquí algunas cosas que de las cuales podrías hablar.

  • Reconoce que probablemente para todos esto será algo inusual, o incluso extraño, pero poco a poco se creará un ritmo que funcione para todos.

  • Explícales que este es un retiro en silencio y fíjate si pueden apoyarte para que tú te mantengas en silencio durante los días del retiro. De ser necesario, pueden convenir en un momento específico del día para conectar verbalmente, manteniendo la comunicación contenida para esas ocasiones.

  •  De ser posible, pide apoyo en mantener el espacio común calmado. Puedes pedirles que mantengan un volumen bajo o que usen audífonos para escuchar música o video. 
    Infórmales sobre tu horario de retiro. Cuelga una copia en un lugar visible.

  • Sugerencias si tienes hijos:

  1. Si tienes hijos en casa, el silencio a lo largo del día puede no ser una opción realista. En ese caso, quizás puedes pensar en tener conversaciones sobre prácticas de “hablar mindful” en ocasiones como cenando juntos en la mesa. 

  2. Si son lo suficientemente mayores, habla con tus hijos acerca de lo que estás haciendo y pregúntales por sus ideas para crear un entorno de mayor apoyo. Conviértelos en tus aliados. 

  3. Con niños pequeños, asume tu tiempo con ellos como tu práctica de mindfulness. Considera elegir actividades juntos que apoyen tu mindfulness; por ejemplo: cocinar u hornear, proyectos a arte, juegos imaginativos, un tiempo en la naturaleza, contar historias, u otras posibilidades, en lugar de ver pantallas digitales.

  4. Navegar la cotidianidad junto a las personas con las que vives será parte del retiro, y tendrás oportunidad de hablar al respecto con los facilitadores como parte de la práctica. 

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